セバービル市 - ロゴ

Be Sure Your Child is Properly Secured in Their Car Seat, Booster Seat or Seat Belt


(注意: セバービル警察署は、23 月 29 日から 29 日まで開催される全国児童乗客安全週間に参加しています。イベントの一環として、SPD は土曜日の全国座席検査にチャイルド カー シート検査イベントを実施します。 300 月 10 日。全国の政府機関が同日、チャイルド シートに関するイベントを開催します。SPD のイベントは市営複合施設内の警察署 (2 Gary Wade Blvd.) で午前 XNUMX 時から午後 XNUMX 時まで開催されます。)

Correct harnessing or seat belt fit ensures your child is securely positioned in a car seat, booster seat, or vehicle seat, and is able to take advantage of the crash protection that the harness or belt provides.

The harness holds the child down low in the car seat so he/she does not slide up and out of the car seat in a crash. Incorrect harnessing—often a loose harness or a retainer clip that is too low—is an extremely common misuse. Correct seat belt fit, for children in boosters or transitioning out of boosters, is very important and also a common error.

Proper Seat Belt Fit
For a seat belt to fit properly, the lap belt must lie snugly across the upper thighs, not the stomach. The shoulder belt should lie snugly across the shoulder and chest, and not cross the neck or face. Remember: your child should still ride in the back seat because it’s safer there.

Correct Car Seat Harnessing
If a child is riding rear-facing, the harness straps should originate AT OR
BELOW the child’s shoulders. If a child is riding forward-facing, the harness straps should originate AT OR ABOVE the child’s shoulders. To test for tightness, use the ‘pinch test:’
Buckle the harness and secure the chest clip, and then pull the harness adjuster to tighten the harness. Pinch the harness webbing at the child’s shoulder vertically between your thumb and forefinger. If you are able to pinch webbing between your fingers, the harness is not tight enough. It should be snug but not tight enough to injure the child’s skin. If the harness is tight enough, your fingers should slide easily off of the webbing when pinched.

チャイルドカーの安全シートに関するヒントやアドバイスの詳細については、safekids.org をご覧ください。テネシー州の児童拘束法の詳細については、TCA 55-9-602 を参照してください。



300 ゲイリー ウェイド ブールバード
テネシー州セバービル 37864-5500