セバービル市 - ロゴ

SPD Collects over 30 Pounds of Drugs

The City of Sevierville Police Department (SPD) participated in a National DEA Drug Take Back Event on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at the Sevierville Police Department. At the five-hour event, approximately 31.83 pounds of unwanted drugs were collected from residents. Disaster and medical emergency information was also distributed.

So far in 2016, the SPD has collected approximately 578 pounds of drugs at similar events and from the SPD Drug Take Back receptacle in the police department lobby.

"We are averaging about 38 pounds a month in drug collections from the lobby receptacle," said SPD Lt. Ken Garner, who oversees the Drug Take Back collection efforts. "The Drug Take Back program continues to be a success."

"The program provides a way for us to help our community by safely disposing of unwanted or expired medications in the home, which can prevent medication errors, accidental overdoses, or inappropriate use," added Chief Don Myers. "The drug collection efforts also reduce contamination of our environment because these drugs are not flushed into the sewer system and don't end-up in the water table or land fill."

Citizens may drop-off drugs at the SPD Drug Take Back receptacle any time or day of the week. The service is free and anonymous. The following drugs are accepted:
* 密封された医薬品および補助器具(糖尿病用品、メーターなど)

現時点では、この部門は注射器やその他の種類の麻薬器具を受け入れることができません。ご質問がある場合は、Ken Garner 中尉(865.868.1753)または電子メールでご連絡ください。 このメールアドレスは、スパムロボットから保護されています。 アドレスを確認するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。.

Drug take back 10 22 16



300 ゲイリー ウェイド ブールバード
テネシー州セバービル 37864-5500