セバービル市 - ロゴ



セバービル公園レクリエーション局は、新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックに関する州および CDC のガイドラインと推奨事項に従って、特定の施設とプログラムを再開します。すべての公共エリアと作業エリアは、州および CDC のガイドラインに従って清掃および消毒されます。

シティパークのファミリー アクアティクス センターは、2020 月 8 日月曜日に XNUMX シーズンに向けてオープンします。
• Hours of Operation: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday.
• Closed on Sundays for deep cleaning until further notice.
• Based on bather load guidelines, daily attendance for public swim will be limited to 435 paid visitors.

• Visitors’ temperatures will be monitored upon entry. Those with temperatures in excess of 100.4 degrees will be asked to leave.
• Social distancing will be required for all events and will include one-way entrances/exits and floor markings.
• Meeting areas will be limited to 50% capacity. LeConte Auditorium 50% capacity will be 135 persons; Council Hall 50% capacity will be 35 persons.
• Access will be limited to one-way in and one-way out of the building.

コミュニティセンターは現在、収容人数を制限して開館しています。以下の変更は 1 月 XNUMX 日月曜日から有効になります。
• Operating hours will expand to 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. The building is normally closed on Sunday throughout the summer.
• Blalock Natatorium (indoor pool) will reopen.
• Reservations are required to use the Fitness Center, indoor pool and take fitness classes.
• Lockers and shower facilities will remain closed.
• Use of the indoor pool for exercise will be allowed by reservation only and limited to one hour per person.
• Water exercise classes will be available by reservation only with limited capacity.
• An additional aerobics class will be scheduled at 5:30 p.m.
• Bowling Center Hours will expand to 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday. Individuals/groups will be limited to one hour and reservations are encouraged (865-868-1874.) You must be over 16-years old or accompanied by an adult parent/guardian to bowl.
• Children’s programs remain postponed through June. It is hoped that the Summer Camp program will be available in July and August.
• Basketball and racquetball Courts remain closed.

• Social distancing is required.
• Playgrounds, basketball courts, soccer and baseball fields remain closed.
• All other facilities remain open.


公園およびレクリエーション部門は、ADA 承認のリスニングデバイスを含むあらゆる施設へのアクセスを希望するすべての人に対応できるようあらゆる努力を尽くします。アクセシビリティに関するサポートが必要な場合は、865-453-5441 までお電話ください。



120 ゲイリー・ウェイド・ブルバード

国立レクリエーション公園協会 - ロゴ

テネシー州レクリエーション公園協会 - ロゴ